FAQs in Huntsville AL

Find the answers below to the most frequently asked questions about chiropractors in Huntsville AL.
Frequently Asked Questions in Huntsville AL
Are You Going To Twist Or Pop My Neck?
No. Not even if you ask us to.
We primarily use a highly specialized technique called the Pierce Results System. This is a very gentle technique that allows us to adjust the neck manually, without any twisting, popping, or cracking. None of our other techniques involve that twisting motion either. Your safety & comfort are top priorities for us.
How Long Will It Take For Me To Heal?
Most patients feel some kind of relief from the get-go, but actually getting the problem fixed is different for everyone. No two spines are the same. A few things to keep in mind - the younger you are, the quicker your body will heal (this is just plain science) - the earlier you jump on a problem, the quicker your body will heal. This is why you will oftentimes see kids getting adjusted in our office. It's much quicker & easier to fix a problem that just arose!
Is The Care Specific To Me Or Is It The Same That's Given To Everyone Else?
Your care is completely customized to YOU. Your spine will have different issues than your spouse, your kids, your neighbor, & your co-worker, so you can expect your care to be customized to your needs as well.
Do I Have To Go To The Chiropractor Forever?
This is always a funny question that we get a lot. Nobody is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. If you've ever met someone who regularly goes to the chiropractor, it's typically because they have experienced life with an optimally functioning spine & nervous system & they never want to go back to their former life. They've seen the light! That being said, it takes much less work to maintain a properly functioning spine & nervous system than it takes to fix one that has some issues.
After We Fix The Issue, Can You Help Me Prevent This From Happening Again?
Yes! We are all about EDUCATION in our office. We are constantly giving tips & pointers on posture, movement, exercises, stretches, you name it. Our mission is to create the healthiest community on the planet, here in Huntsville, AL. The way you achieve that mission is by viewing your health through a PROACTIVE, PREVENTATIVE lens. There is nothing that brings us more joy than helping you establish a healthier lifestyle!
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Max Health
5000 Whitesburg Dr. Suite 140
Huntsville, AL 35802